Wednesday, February 29, 2012

بيان استنكار للقذف والتهديد الذي تعرضت له الكاتبة والناشطة الحقوقية هدى جعفر

بقلم\ الاستاذ عاد نعمان

كل التضامن معك يا صديقتي العزيزة، بيان استنكار للقذف والتهديد التي تعرضت له الكاتبة والناشطة الحقوقية هدى جعفر
إنما الأمم الأخلاق ما بقيت فإن هم ذهبت أخلاقهم ذهبوا
تتصاعد وترتفع أصوات وأقلام و فتاوي من قبل إرهابي الفكر خلال الأشهر الأخيرة من الثورة لتبدأ بحملات تكفير وإرهاب لمثقفين أخذت مؤخرا منحى يعكس حالة من الإفلاس الأخلاقي المتجرد من كل معاني وقيم اللياقة والأدب وهو ما حدث البارحة مع الكاتبة والناشطة الحقوقية هدى جعفر، حيث تلقت ظهر أمس الموافق 26 فبراير 2012 عددا من رسائل التهديد والقذف على إيميلها في الفيسبوك من أسماء مستعارة تتوعد الكاتبة وأسرتها بالملاحقة مستخدمة مفردات في منتهى الانحطاط والتجرد من أبسط قيم الأخلاق وتهديدها بتلفيق تهمة العمل مع منظمة القاعدة و مطالبا الكاتبة بالاعتذار عن أرائها وتعليقاتها المنشورة في الفيسبوك.

و تستهجن المنظمات والمؤسسات الثقافية الموقعة أدناه ما حدث للكاتبة والناشطة الحقوقية هدى جعفر و تعبر كذلك عن أسفها البالغ عن مستوى اللغة والمفردات الوقحة الصادرة من الشخص المرسل تجاه الكاتبة و تعبر عن قلقها البالغ من أن يلحق بالكاتبة والناشطة الحقوقية هدى جعفر أي مكروه أو أذى خصوصا إن كان هناك من يقف خلفه من كتائب أو جماعات الإرهاب المتخصصين بمواجهة ومضايقة الكتاب والأقلام الحرة.
وما يبعث على الاستغراب انه في الوقت الذي كنا نعتقد فيه أن عام من الثورة بكل ما حمله من قيم جديدة في المجتمع تشكلت في وعي ووجدان شباب وشابات اليمن واعتقادنا أننا قد تجاوزنا منظومة أخلاقية و قيمية التصقت و ترعرت مع النظام المثار عليه إلا أنه مازال هناك من ينهل من معين ثقافة وتراث النظام المستبد.

إننا نناشد كل المنظمات الحقوقية والقوى السياسية وسائر المكونات الثورية في الساحات التصدي لمثل هذا النوع من الممارسات والأساليب والدعوات الوقحة، كما نؤكد كمنظمات حقوقية ومؤسسات ثقافية تضامننا اللامحدود مع الكاتبة والناشطة الحقوقية هدى جعفر وتأكيدنا الوقوف إلى جانبها وأن تستمر في طريقها الذي اختارته في الكتابة وممارسة نشاطها الثقافي دون خوف أو اهتمام بدعوات وتهديدات كالصادرة بحقها مؤخرا، ونطالب جميع نشطاء وناشطات حقوق الإنسان التصدي والوقوف بحزم إزاء هذه الممارسات التي لا يقبلها شرع ولا عرف ولا قانون والذي تتنافى مع قيم و مبادئ التواصل الإنساني.
صادر بتاريخ 27 فبراير 2012

المنظمات الموقعة:
1. مؤسسة حوار للتنمية الديمقراطية
2. مؤسسة تمكين للتنمية
3. مؤسسة الكناري للتنمية الديمقراطية والاجتماعية
4. بيت الموروث الشعبي
5. منتدى الشهيد جار الله عمر
6. مؤسسة الشرق الأوسط للتنمية
7. اتحاد الشبيبة الديمقراطية اليمنية
8. منتدى الشقائق العربي لحقوق الإنسان
9. المنتدى الاجتماعي الديمقراطي
10. مركز عاد للطفولة والشباب (تحت التأسيس)
11. منظمة التغيير للدفاع عن الحقوق والحريات

عينة من ملف الفساد في حكم علي صالح

تحدثت قناة "الجزيرة" الإخبارية، في تقرير لها عن صفقة بيع جزاء من ميناء المعلا بمدينة عدن جنوب اليمن، قبل أربع سنوات،وما تكشفه هذه الصفقة من ملف فساد يمس البلاد كلها، إذ توقفت الحركة فيه بشكل كلي.. موضحة أن الحكومة اليمنية شكلت لجنة لحل مشكلة الميناء، وهو المصنف كواحد من أهم الموانئ الطبيعية على مستوى العالم، ويفترض أن يكون ميناء للسفن ولكنه أمس ملاذاً تعشعش فيه الطيور التي تبحث عن قوت كلما جاءت شحنة قمح ..

وأوضح التقرير أن ميناء المعلا بدون حاويات للبضائع ولا حركة وأن حالة من الشلل تسيطر عليه بعد أن فقد قوته وزخمه عقب توقيع الرئيس السابق/ علي عبدالله صالح عام 2008م على صفقة بيع الميناء التاريخي وتأسيس شركة بين موانئ دبي العالمية ومؤسسة خليج عدن اليمنية الحكومية لتتولى تطوير وتشغيل الميناء.
وتابع التقرير قوله إن الصفقة أتت على الميناء الذي يعد واحداً من أهم المؤانئ الطبيعية إذ صدق صادق على أنه ثاني أهم موانئ العالم بعد ميناء نيويورك لتزويد السفن بالوقود.

وأوضح التقرير أن الحكومة الحالية في اليمن قالت إن الصفقة كانت سرية حصل الرئيس السابق بموجبها على "600" مليون دولار وأدخل أحد أقربائه شريكاً فيها.

وفي ذات السياق نقل التقرير عن وزير النقل اليمني الدكتور/ واعد باذيب، قوله "شكلت لجنة وزارية بعضوية وزير الخارجية وعضويتي وزير التخطيط والمالية والشئون القانونية والتجارة والصناعة، وسنعمل على اتخاذ موقف حاسم من الاتفاقية برمتها ومن ضمنها والأساس رصيف المعلا التاريخي الذي أصيب بحالة شلل كامل نتيجة مخرجات اتفاقية الشراكة بين موانئ دبي وخليج عدن.

وعلى الصعيد ذاته قال التقرير "نشهد اليوم غرباناً تنعق فوق كل رافعة من رافعات الميناء أما العاملون فيه فينتظرون من يعيد إلى الميناء الحياة بعد أن ضاقت عليهم الأوضاع المعيشية هم اليوم يفترشون الأرض ولا عمل لديهم ولا أجر، يقولون إن ثمة من ملأ جيوبهم بينما يدفعون ومدينتهم ثمن صفقة بيع الميناء.

من جانبه قال أمين قاسم ـ مشرف عمال الميناء ـ "الناس بلا عمل، بلا رواتب ومعهم أطفال" معزياً بيع الميناء إلى الحكومة معللاً بقوله من باع الميناء مدير الأمن، طبعاً الحكومة هي من باعت الميناء، معللاً بقوله إنه لا يوجد مسئول صغير يستطيع أن يبيع الميناء غير رئيس الجمهورية.

واختتم التقرير بقوله إن آليات كانت تعمل قبل الصفقة التي نفذت باسم تطوير الميناء وهي اليوم حديد تالف يأكله الصدى وتفتح قصة الميناء ملفاً ثقيلاً من ملفات الفساد في بلد يدرج ضمن مراتب مقلقة عربياً وعالمياً على صعيد تفشي الفساد.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Activists reawaken anti-sectarianism campaign

(DailyStar)BEIRUT: Around 400 people marched from Dora, Greater Beirut, to the Electricite Du Liban building in Mar Mikhail Sunday calling for social justice and with the hope of relaunching the anti-sectarian movement that rose to prominence last year.

Protesters chanted anti-sectarian slogans as they marched through residential areas with the hope of generating interest from passersby.

“We want to get the idea back into people’s heads that the system is not working,” said Nadine Moawad, a member of the feminist collective Nasawiya, which helped organize the demonstration. “It’s the beginning of a series of actions and demonstrations to bring back the movements. It’s not a one-off thing.”

Anti-sectarian movements are a small but long-standing feature of the Lebanese political scene but became particularly prominent in the early half of last year, with activists holding weekly protests, at one point attracting 20,000 people in a march from Beirut’s Ashrafieh district to the Interior Ministry in Sanayeh, before the movement appeared to lose momentum.

Moawad said Sunday’s protest had been “small but effective.”

“The size reflects the independence of the march,” she said. “Every single political party told their followers to boycott the event.”

Among the demands of the protesters are better transportation, education, rent control, wages and women’s rights, with Sunday’s protest focused particularly on the country’s crippled electricity sector.

“We’re bringing all the campaigns together,” Moawad explained.

“Sectarianism is responsible for everything. There’s nothing right in this country, no work, no benzene [fuel], nothing,” said 19-year-old chemistry student Carina Ayoubia during Sunday’s protest.

The protest was advertised in the prior days as a funeral for EDL, the state electricity company which provides just 21 hours of electricity a day in Beirut, and fewer outside, and at the end of the march organizers hung a funeral wreath on the gates of the building.

Speakers decried the “lies and hypocrisy” of Lebanese politicians which they said were keeping the country in “hours of darkness.”

Watching nearby, 29-year-old travel agent Joelle said she had never been involved in any form of civil demonstration, but that “if the crisis persists like this, of course I would go and protest with them.”

However she also added that, “the main problem is the electricity,” and not sectarianism.

Civil society demonstrations have been on the rise over the past number of years in Beirut, with the first recent milestone in April 2010 when 5,000 people marched from Ain al-Mreisseh to Parliament to demand an end to the sectarian system.

Seventy-year-old Rashid Zaatari said the country could not move forward without addressing the sectarian system. “We are not individual citizens in this system; each one of us is affiliated to his own sect from the date of his birth to the day he dies,” he said. “We cannot build a nation state with sectarianism structured in our political system.”

Some activists cited the Arab Spring as inspiration for last year’s protests, following the toppling of leaders in Tunisia and Egypt in the early months of the year.

But last spring’s slogan, echoing the Arab uprisings, “the people want the end of the [sectarian] regime,” was only briefly heard at Sunday’s protest, before being drowned out by other chants.

Speaking to The Daily Star at the protest, 29-year-old engineer Mohammad said the anti-sectarian movement had important differences to the uprisings in the rest of the region.

“It’s not similar really to the Arab revolutions,” he said. “It’s going to take people a long time to make change [here].”

Active in last year’s anti-sectarian movement, he said the time was ripe for a rebirth.

“The movement’s a bit more mature now,” he said. “We understand more that it’s going to be a long-term, not a short-term thing.” – With additional reporting by Brooke Anderson

For more photos click here!

كلمة الرئيس المخلوع صالح في حفل تنصيب الرئيس هادي

بقلم \ محمد البكاري

تصدقو يا جماعة اول مره اشوف نفسي ولهان ومحب لخطاب المخلوع ؟ تدرو ليش :
اولا / جميع ما ذكره المخلوع في خطابه هو مردود عليه وذلك باعترافه بأن الاقتصاد منهار وهذا اكبر دليل وكذلك باعترافه بتنظيم القاعده ومحاربتها وهذا لا يأتي الا بقائدهم قائد تنظيم القاعده في اليمن وهو علي عفاش .

ثانيا / المخلوع يا جماعة الخير لا يستطيع ان يفارق في جميع خطاباته في جميع مراحله من ذكر للطرقات والمياه والكهرباء . والله حقاره ما بعده حقاره بان العالم يتكلمو عن مراحل متقدمه في التكنولوجيا ونحن المخلوع لسى عاده يتكلم في كهرباء وطرق وغير ذلك ناقص ما يذكر السمن والصابون والبر والدقيق والخبز والصحون والملاعق وغير ذلك
يا جماعة الرجال هذا متى سنتهي أسأل الله ان يعجل بزواله .

ثالثا / قسما عظما ما في خراج يا جماعة الخير والمخلوع موجود في اليمن هو وزبانيته اذن فلنبدأ بالثورة الجديده على عبد ربه منصور هادي وحكومة الوفاق وليرحلو جميعا جميعا جميعا الى مزبلة التاريخ الصالح والبطال
وخلونا نعيش نحن الشباب خلونا نحكم اليمني ونبنيها نحن الشباب اعمار ثلاثين الى اربعين سنه.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Hadi Wins with %99

I wonder what kind of democracy the GCC deal and the US fostered in Yemen. First, Saleh is free out there; flying around like he didn't committed crimes against humanity not only during the revolution but also throughout his rule time. Second, Yemen had an early presidential election with no referendum to ask the people of what they truly want. Third, one political party, one candidate, one man was running; ignoring the several political spectrum in Yemen. Fourth, Hadi won with %99 votes; with is a sign of how corrupt his system will be. Fifth, Hadi has been a vice for over 17 years, meaning he is a mini-dictator compared to Saleh... sixth, ... seventh.. the list would go on!! What kind of democracy is that! would you "democratic countries" accept such games!

Here is a clip when the results where announced:- (It's so fabricated)

Monday, February 20, 2012

Yemen Goes Through Another Undemocratic Presidential Election

Tomorrow will be a very important day for Yemen as people will go to polls to "elect" the only candidate for the presidency. The coming election is nothing but a joke! It lacks a very fundmental aspect of how elections should be; it's utterly undemocratic for many reasons:-

1-The only candidate, Abd Rabbuh Mansour Hadi is from the same old shitty political party of Saleh and there is no other political party running of the election.

2-He has been the vice president of Saleh for the past 17 years!!! Give me a break!! He's another would-be dictator!

3-Abdo Rabo is just a puppet for Saleh and his relatives.

4-Voting with "No" won't count.

5-Yemenis abroad can't vote via embassies abroad. (I want to vote with "NO")

Basically, Yemen is having a half-revolution and there is still along way to go.
(I'm posting some of the reasons due to lack of time, but please feel free to comment with why you think the coming election is undemocratic or .. "democratic"!)


Here is a recap of recent clips about Yemen:

Yemenis prepare to go to the polls

Yemen readies for the election

حياة المواطن اليمني في ظل الأزمة السياسية

قصة العلاقة بين تعز وصعود الرئيس اليمني

فوز صورة الأم اليمنية فاطمة وابنها زايد

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Yemen's Wake Up Call

Who really doesn't need a Wake up call!

Basically, I was lucky to witness the first seed of the coming Yemen's “Wake Up Call”; an initiative, scheduled to be launched on the 21st of Feb. ; a day that coincides with the (give me a break!) presidential election in Yemen. And I'm more than happy to blog about it today.

"Our Wake up Call" is a global inititave by youth and it happened to be one of its ambassoders, a dear friend of mine; Abdullah Al-Maisari, a very active activist from Yemen. After lots of pondering into Yemen's crucial issues; it was set that Yemen’s Wake Up Call theme is Corruption & Target is (COCA). You can read more about it (here in Eng.) and (here in Ar.)

Here are two clips that beautifully explain the inititaive:

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Another Interview with Scahill about Yemen

Please listen to what Scahill talks about. He wonderfully reveals lots of issues and, mainly, Saleh's games against the US and Yemenis.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Who are Ansar al-Sharia?

(Extract from Jeremy Scahill interview with DemocracyNow). A group calling itself Ansar al-Sharia had taken over a number of towns, including Zinjibar. And when I started interviewing people who were very well connected to the security apparatus in Yemen, they said Ali Abdullah Saleh let them to take it over, as a sort of last message to the United States, that if you let me go, I am going to show you what will happen, and what will happen is that al-Qaeda is going to take over. And so, all of a sudden you see Ansar al-Sharia, you know, the supporters or partisans of Sharia law, taking over these cities and creating their own Sharia councils, doing very brutal acts against suspected criminals, chopping off limbs.

Just a few days ago, there were three public executions (one shown in the photo above) of people that were convicted in the Ansar al-Sharia’s court system of providing intelligence to the Americans to be used in drone attacks, including one person who was executed in the very place where Anwar al-Awlaki’s 16-year-old son, who was a U.S. citizen, was killed in a U.S. drone strike. And they executed this man, alleging that he had provided intelligence to the Americans that had contributed to the death of Abdulrahman al-Awlaki, the 16-year-old son of Anwar al-Awlaki.

*And the relationship between Ansar and AQAP, al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula?

Well, the first mentions of Ansar al-Sharia came from one of the leading clerics of al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula a couple of months before Zinjibar was seized. Zinjibar was—the city was taken by Ansar al-Sharia in May of 2011. And this leading AQAP cleric said, "Ansar al-Sharia is the name we use to introduce ourselves, you know, to communities when we’re trying to promote our political message." So, essentially what he was saying is, "We’re trying to rebrand and not use the al-Qaeda brand, because it’s become so tarnished. And this is our new way of sort of presenting our mission without having to be bogged down by the baggage associated with calling ourselves al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula."

Whether it’s a front group for al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, which senior government officials in Yemen and a lot of other analysts allege, yeah, it’s just a front group—whether that’s true or not has almost become irrelevant, because the ideas, the ideas advocated by Ansar al-Sharia, are actually taking root. And so, that’s why this is blowback, because you have a rising—you have multiple Salafist, very conservative sort of sects of Islam that are becoming increasingly popular in Yemen.

You have a lawless state. You have an implosion of the government. You have a political crisis where the only opportunity for people to vote is "do you want this man or not?" Once again, you follow a 33-year dictatorship by having a vote where only one person is on the ballot. And people are sort of saying, well, for now, it’s better to have law and order—and yeah, these guys are beheading thieves and all that stuff, but—or chopping off hands of thieves, beheading alleged spies, but hey, it’s better than no law and order.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Yemen's Current Politics' Details by Jeremy Scahill

DemocracyNow interviewed Jeremy Scahill, award-winning investigative journalist, author of the bestselling book Blackwater: The Rise of the World’s Most Powerful Mercenary Army. He has recently got back from Yemen and wrote the cover story, "Washington’s War in Yemen Backfires", for Nation magazine which he is its security correspondent.

The clip tells at the begining about the horrific humantarian condition that children in Yemen live in. Old statistcs described the bad economical conditions with that an average Yemeni would live with 2 dollars per a day. Today, the young kid at the begining of the clip says he lives with 5 dollars per a month! Could anyone imagine that!!! How can a human being live with only 5 dollars per a month! What can that little amount of money do? would he be able to eat/live with that? It's heartbreaking!!

Then, Mr. Scahill said it all! He perfectly described the facade of "the fight against terrorism" mission that Abdul-Elah Haidar Shaye, has been telling about for a long time; which caused him to be put in jail by Saleh's forces to sielnce the truth. Then he beautifully described how Saleh has been fooling the US adminstration since 2001. He hit the core when he said, "Saleh never used the US funding in fighting al-Qaeda, he olny used that to enhance his forces to fight his political oponents."

Then, Mr. Scahill spoke about what's the nature of "Ansar al-Sharia". He gave a great assesment of what's happening in Zenjibar. Really shocking facts!

Later on, Mr.Scahill talked about how the youth's revolution in Yemen was hijacked and other important issues. He raised very crucial issues in Yemen. I can surely say that he is one of the best international experts that have spoken about Yemen. He described the situation very well and very accurately. I highly recommend watching the interview. And of course, thank you so much Mr. Jeremy Scahill!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

ArabNet Digital Summit 2012

ArabNet Digital Summit 2012, the biggest event for web and mobile in the region, is around one month away. Last year’s summit brought over 1000 attendees, 100 speakers, featured 18 panels and 17 talks, in addition to 20 entrepreneurs pitching their ideas and startups.

This year’s event is even bigger! Cutting-edge panel discussions, specialized workshops, exciting competitions, focused networking sessions, social activities and more, spread over 5 action packed days including:

-Two Developer Days with technical discussions and workshops for programmers
-An Industry Day about how web and mobile are transforming traditional industries like healthcare, travel, education and banking
-Two Forum Days, the largest gathering of digital business leaders in the region featuring over 100 globally renowned speakers covering the latest trends and technologies in web and mobile
-A Community Day raising public awareness about the the power of digital

The Digital Summit will also include ArabNet’s annual competitions: the Ideathon and Startup Demo. The Ideathon aims at turning bright ideas into functional products will introduce the top 20 entrepreneurs and startups in the region, exposing the latest in digital entrepreneurship and giving entrants the chance to win big cash prizes and the attention of investors, incubators, and developers.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Story of a Traumatized Iraqi Refugee in Stockholm

It's Valentine's Day but the following post is nothing related to that.

It's about a story that has been haunting me since I first heard about it. He told me his story and I couldn't and still can't imagine the amount of sadness he has. I decided to write his story after I watched a TV program about this movie:-

Well, he is an Iraqi gentalman who fled Iraq looking for a better tomorrow in Sweden. Let's call him Ahmed. Ahmed is in his mid 40s but he looked like way older than his real age. That was fully understood; bearing in mind what he has gone through.

I noticed that Ahmed has a huge difficulty in learning at the SFI (Swedish language for Immigrants) classes. I was so frustrated by his many questions to me about what we were learning. He couldn't ask the teacher because his Swedish is almost zero. I asked him; you can ask the teacher in English like how I do. "I don't speak English neither," he replied. I was curious to know why he didn't learn English but I didn't ask him. I didn't want to be rude.

On a different occasion, during an event (that was something about jobbs and employment) at the Cultural House in Stockholm last Friday, I met him again and I conversed him. We jumped from a subject to another then I tenderly asked him, "How come you didn't learn English?" Then, I got the shocking news .. he told me about his horrific background and it went like this:-

"I was only 8 years old when Saddam Hussein's regime forced me out of school, like many many other kids in Iraq, to join the army because of the war. While kids are supposed to be getting education at schools and playing with their peers, that was not the case for me as a child. Instead, I was at the army carrying weapons.

Most of Arabs are fooled by Saddam's glory. Whomever admires Saddam is really fooled. Saddam stole my childhood and others' and destroyed lives of so many people. As you may know, Iraq was in a constant war; with this or that country for many years. We never took a rest. I was so close to death many times and I have seen many people dying infront of me many times as well. I saw how Saddam committed genocide to many Kurdish villages. He killed them all like they were insects. I have witnessed with my own naked eyes kurdish people being buried alive. I have seen some of the most horrific things in this life."

With a tiny smile in his face he added, "And Arabs still think Saddam was one of the best Arab leaders. I swear God, Saddam never had a small piece of humanity or Islam. He feared nothing; neither his conscious nor Allah."

Ahmed continued on, "With all that trauma, I managed to continue my life. I became a cars mechanic and make my living. I had beautiful wife and two kids. During the American invision, I worked with American journalists who came to report about the situation. I worked as guide and mechanic for their cars. Whenever the cars got broken, I was there to fix them. I worked with Laura, the American journalist who was so brave; reporting about the mischievous acts American did against innocent Iraqi citizens.

Time passed and al-Qaeda Militia considered me as a traitor. They threatened me several times."

Then, his voice got really shaky and his eyes started tearing. He told me, "The Militia bombed my house while my wife, my two kids, my mother and my brother were there. They all were killed in one bomb. I came home and they all were murdered."

At that moment, my heart was about to burst out of my chest and Ahmed was holding back his tears but his full face turned into red. Then, he just cried and I cried with him for brief moments.

The conversation went on and I eventually advised him to see a psychiatrist because that was really traumatizing. He told me that he seeks strength from Allah but he might consider the thought to see a psychiatrist.

I often meet refugees in Stockholm who has something worth to tell. Ahmed is not the only person who has a heartbreaking story. There are many Ahmeds in Sweden and in the whole world. I wrote his story because it really haunts me down everywhere I go and it made me cry several times when I recall it. I'm already a traumatized girl and his story really resonated to me. I'm writing it down because writing is truly my therapy.

Monday, February 13, 2012

انعاش الاقتصاد اليمني

(المصدر اونلاين)
بغض النظر عن تطورات المشهد السياسي الحالي في اليمن، فان اليمن لطالما عانى من تحديات و مشاكل اقتصادية و اجتماعية جسيمة منذ فترة طويلة. فوفقا لمؤشرات البنك الدولي فإن معدل دخل الفرد السنوي للفرد في اليمن بلغ 1,060 دولارا في العام 2009 وقدرت نسبة البطالة في اليمن آنذاك بحوالي 40% بينما ارتفع المعدل بين الشباب ليصل إلى أكثر من 50%. و وفقا للمؤشرات آنذاك فان أكثر من نصف اليمنيين كان يعيشون تحت خط الفقر بينما يعاني قرابة النصف من الأمية الأبجدية.

عوامل كثيرة لعبت في إعاقة أي تطور اقتصادي او ثقافي في اليمن وأهمها عامل الفساد الإداري والمحسوبيات و التفرقة الطبقية و الاجتماعية مما أدى إلى واقع لا يحسد اليمن عليه.

تغيرت أمور كثيرة منذ 2009 وأهمها ثورة اليمن المجيدة التي تحولت إلى حدا ما أزمة صراع قوى داخل اليمن وأزمة سياسية إقليمية. تلك الأزمات الداخلية المسلحة تمثلت في انشقاق الفرقة أولى مدرع عن الجيش و انضمام علي محسن الذي يعد من اهم أركان الفساد في اليمن. و تمثلت الأزمة أيضا في الصراع المسلح بين حزب الاصلاح و حزب المؤتمر الشعبي العام . بالإضافة الى ذلك ، كانت ولا تزال ثورة اليمن تشكل خطر على دول مجاورة ترهب فكرة الديمقراطية و الفكر السياسي الحر مثل المملكة العربية السعودية. هذا الأمر الأخير حجم ثورة اليمن بشكل مجحف ليصبح أزمة سياسية إقليمية تصدت لها المملكة بتدبير المبادرة الخليجية التي أخمدت - الى حدا ما - شرارة الثورة. كل تلك الأزمات ساهمت بشكل كبير في التدهور الاقتصادي الجسيم الذي حل باليمن. فمنذ الشهور الأولى لبداية الثورة و معظم الشركات و المؤسسات الكبيرة و المهمة في اليمن قد سرحت موظفيها وأقفلت أبوابها. لا شك ان اكبر متضرر من تلك الأزمات هو القطاع الاقتصادي لهذا البلد الذي لطالما كان منهك اقتصاديا. فقد أفادت وزارة الصناعة والتجارة اليمنية في تقرير نشرته صحيفة «الثورة» الحكومية في نهاية 2011 بأن نسبة الخسائر الاقتصادية بلغت نحو 31% من الناتج الإجمالي للبلاد الذي يصل إلى 33 مليار دولار. من الصعب تخيل فداحة الأضرار لهذا البلد المنهك اقتصادية مسبقا. ان اليمن لا يتحمل اكثر تدهور من الذي كان عليه.

على صعيد اخر، فان الاتحاد الاروبي وعد بتقديم 7 ملايين يورو (2،9مليون دولار ) لدعم الانتخابات الرئاسية القادمة في اليمن. بالطبع انه لأمر مستفز ان أولويات الاتحاد الاروبي تكون بهذه السطحية. فمن الاولى بالدعم؟ الساسة ام اقتصاد البلاد؟

على العموم ليس هذا الوقت المناسب و لا المقال المناسب لتوجيه اللوم على أطراف خارجية. الامر المهم الآن والذي يستدعي كل الأولوية هو إنعاش الاقتصاد اليمني. في ظل ان أكثر من نصف سكان اليمن يعدون من الشباب - مابين العمر 18 و 25 - فهذه دعوة الى التفكر في استغلال ماهو متاح للمساهمة في إنعاش الاقتصاد من والى شباب اليمن. فعلى سبيل المثال ، التوجه الى المشاريع الصغيرة و النظر في الإمكانيات المتاحة لتمويل تلك المشاريع من قبل بعض البنوك و المنظمات المحلية و الاقليمية و العالمية. بالإضافة الى ذلك لابد استغلال فرص تمويل من قبل أصحاب رؤس الأموال في اليمن او في المهجر.

على المرء ان يدراك ان التقدم الاقتصادي طريق ليس سهل ولا يتم عن طريق الآخرين، على المرء ان يدرك ان التقدم مهما كان يتطلب الكثير من العمل و الجهد والأهم من ذلك يتطلب عمل دائم تتضافر له العقول و الأيادي و رجال السياسة و الاقتصاد و المال لبناء المجتمعات..

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Obama Intervention Puts Shaye in Jail

Journalist Abdul-Elah Haidar Shaye should have been released from prison as part of concessions to protesters in Yemen. But a phonecall from the US president has kept him behind bars. Iona Craig reports (read more)

Saturday, February 11, 2012

الاعتداء على صحفي سبق له نشر ملف يسمى فضائح الموساد الاخواني - حزب الاصلاح

أعتدى بالضرب الخميس مجموعة من افراد اللجنة الأمنية بساحة تغيير صنعاء على الصحفي فارس ابو بارعة والثائر في ساحة التغيير منذ انطلاق الثورة في صنعاء. وذكر شباب في ساحة التغيير لـ"عدن الغد" أن اللجان التابعة لحزب الإصلاح قد أعتدت بالضرب المبرح على الصحفي ابو بارعة حتى كسرت رقبته .

يذكر أن فارس ابو بارعة يعد من الشباب الذين لا يروق لهم تصرفات اللجنة التنظيمية وهو من أشد المنتقدين لتصرفاتهم حيال الثورة ويعتقد أن الاعتداء عليه جاء بعد كتاباته الساخره من تلك التصرفات .وبحسب مصادر فأن هذا الإعتداء لا يعد الأول على الشباب المستقلين بل سبقه أعتداءت متكرره بالإضافة إلى كشف عن سجن داخل الساحة يتم فيه حجز الشباب الذين يعارضون سياسة الإصلاح داخل الساحة.


انا شخصيا تواصل معي احد اصدقاء فارس و كتب لي التالي:-

سبب الاعتداء على فارس هو انه سبق له نشر ملف يسمى فضائح الموساد الاخواني (حزب الاصلاح )ونشر صيحات كان اخرها الصيحة الثالثة انتقد فيها صعتر
واخر مقالة نشرت له هي اعلان جامعة صنعاء امارة اسلامية
هو الان في المستشفى حسب قوال احد الزملاء وفارس من اوئل الثوار الذين خرجو الى الساحة وعلاقته بحزب الاصلاح سيى جدا.

Yemen; World Press Photo 2011 Winner

As much as this photo is beautiful, as much as it made me really cry because it sums up what the Yemeni nation and the rest of Arab (and non-Arab) revolutionary nations have gone through in pursuit of democracy and freedom. The picture taken by photographer Samuel Aranda wond the World Press Photo of the Year 2011 while he was on assignment for The New York Times last fall.

"People in the news", that was the category Yemen was in; wining World Press Photo 2011.

Yemen has been more explicitly winning a number of prizes since 2011. I hope this luck or .. I don't know.. will last till Yemenis gain all their goals.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

رغم العلاقات المتوترة بين البلدين ، «قطر الخيرية» تطلق حملة لإغاثة متضرري اليمن

من منا لا يتذكر كيف كان على عبد الله صالح ينتقد "التدخل القطري" في شؤون اليمن في بدايات الثورة اليمنية!

و كم كتب الناشطون على صفحاتهم اعتذارات الى قطر عن كل التصريحات التافهة التي ادلى بها علي صالح. انا شخصيا كتبت في انذك "عذرا قطر" . عموما، هاهي قطر اليوم تطلق حملة لإغاثة لمتضرري اليمن بسبب الاوضاع المأساوية التي تعصف البلد في الفترة الاخيرة. و الان اقول ، شكرا يا قطر و حسبي الله و نعم الوكيل فيك يا علي عبد الله صالح!


دشنت «قطر الخيرية» حملتها لإغاثة المتضررين من الأحداث الجارية باليمن،والتي تسهم في توفير الدعم الغذائي والصحي للمتضررين من الاحداث في اليمن ..
وقال الاخ محمد سيف الشميري ممثل قطر الخيرية أن هذه الحملة تأتي تلبية لحاجة الأشقاء في اليمن و إسهاما منها في التخفيف من المعاناة الإنسانية للمتضررين من الأحداث المتواصلة هناك ..
وأضاف أن الحملة ستقدم مساعدات بما قيمته 3.5 ملايين ريال قطري ، خصص منها حوالي 750 ألف ريال قطري في المرحلة الاولى .

ويتم من خلال الحملة تقديم مساعدات طبية وغذائية ومواد ايواء، ودعم الجوانب التعليمية،وخدمات الدعم النفسي لآلاف الأسر في المناطق المتضررة ، و تأمين احتياجات الأسر المعيشية الأساسية،بشكل سريع وفعال.
وأكد ممثل قطر الخيرية أن هناك اوضاعا انسانية صعبة ومأساوية تعيشها آلاف الأسر فى اليمن خصوصا في ارحب وأبين وبعض احياء امانة العاصمة ،مشيرا إلى حاجات هذه الأسر للمواد الغذائية والطبية ودعم الخدمات التعليمية، والايواء، والدعم النفسي للأطفال والنساء..
وكانت قطر الخيرية قد وزعت بالتعاون مع جمعية الاصلاح الاجتماعي الخيرية أمس الثلاثاء 3700 سلة غذائية للمتضررين في ارحب وبعض مناطق امانة العاصمة وتتواصل الحملة اليوم الاربعاء في عدن لنازحي أبين وغدا في لحج والجمعة في تعز والسبت في الحديده ..

Monday, February 6, 2012

Saleh in NYC - Sequel 2

My God! Saleh just keeps embarrassing us! First he was on TV looking burned & now he threw kisses at people protesting AGAINST him! In all cases, I feel so happy about the guy who threw his shoe on Saleh, regardless of if it didn't hit him nor Saleh got the gesture idea !

Check out Saleh in the following clip:-

Al-Jazeera in Arabic reported about the incident:-

Here are some pictures from the protest in NYC:-

PS. Many thanks to the Yemeni American Coalition for Change and Summer Nasser in NYC.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Saleh in NYC

(Source AP) Ali Abdullah Saleh waves to people protesting his presence in the United States as he exits his hotel in New York, Sunday, Feb. 5, 2012. Saleh arrived in the United States on Saturday, Jan. 28, 2012, for treatment of burns he suffered during an assassination attempt in June. Human Rights Watch, a New York-based human rights organization says it has documented the deaths of hundreds of anti-government protesters in confrontations with Saleh's security forces, and while they are not opposed to Saleh receiving care in the United States, the organization wants assurances that concerned governments will insist on prosecution for those responsible for last year's attacks. (AP Photo/Seth Wenig)


So, a protest was held by the Yemeni community in NYC. Photo taken by, my spiritual sister, Summer Nasser in NYC

According to Summer, "Saleh came out of the Ritz throwing kisses at the protesters. She tweeted, "Bastard Saleh! Throwing kisses and waves at us.That bastard Saleh!! OMG!! How dare he throw kisses and waves at us!! And all his officials were with him! "

She also tweeted, "one protester tried to run across the street to go after him. He got arrested!!!!!The protester took his shoe off and tried to throw it at Saleh but didn't reach him." Here is a picture taken by Summer for the shoe.

Tribal gains in post-Saleh Yemen

Friday, February 3, 2012

Flash Back at Yemen's Day of Rage

Last year exactly like today, 3rd Feb. 2011, it was Thursday, the "day of rage" in Yemen when thousands of protesters took the streets after being inspired by the uprising in Tunisia and Egypt. I remember the day vividly. It was a turning point day. A number of protests took place before this date but this day was, for me, the big real kick off of Yemen's uprising.

One day before, on Wednesday, I was online; trying my best to follow where the protest will take place and all its details. My poor sweet mother knew that I wanted to protest next day and she was so worried about my intention. So, she had a strategy. She sat me down and she calmly told me, "Look my lovely daughter! if you have any plans to protest tomorrow, please know that's not going to happen. I had a great deal of struggle to raise you and your sister and I'm proud of both of you. I would never want to lose you and spoil all my time and effort in raising you. Politics is a dirty game and you'd better not to get involve in this. Tomorrow, there is going to be a massive protest and it's going to be extremely dangerous. You'll not go out. You'll stay all day long here, in front of me, because I need you to be safe. Afrah, if you love me, you'll obey my order!!"

Those were my mothers words to me. Gosh! I still remember everything; where we were sitting, how she spoke to me and how she was kinda beging me but in the same time she wanted to look "strict".

My reaction was silence as it was a very discomforting thing to know that I was not "allowed" to protest on the ground along with the others. Then, I just nodded with agreement because I must prove that I love my mother and I would obey her order. However, secretly, I was thinking, I must find a way to fix this.

I followed the online preparation for the protest closely. Initially, the pro-democracy protest was going to be at Sana'a's Tahrir square, on Thursday, but, pro-government protesters knew about that and thought to make a creative move! Government's supporters decided to occupy Tahrir square at the evening of Wednesday for two reasons. One, because they wanted to take that place away from pro-democracy protesters as they were planning to gather there next day. Second, because they wanted to show their "loyalty" for Saleh.

So, on Wednesday evening, I was facebookaly invited to protest at Tahrir square, then, at late night, I got another Facebook message from one of the revolutionaries writing to me that the location has been changed to Sana'a University's gate - which later came to be known Change Square.

Being in jailed by my mother during Thursday, I thought there must be a way that I can contribute with to the pro-democracy protests. I thought, writing about it would be a nice start point. Then, I realized blogging about my people's uprising was going to be helpful in shedding light about Yemen's nobel demand for dignity, freedom and democracy.

Little did my mother know, I was at home but I was effectively using the virtual world to make a noise about Yemen.


One year later, Yemenis are still taking the streets protesting. Here are some clips of today's protests:-

Today, protesters in Aden facing gunshots and teargas from security forces. Couple protesters were killed and tens were wounded.

Women in Hudaidah province protesting in chanting for Yemen and Syria's uprising.

Another clip from Hudaidah.

Protesters chanting at change square in Taiz province.

Protests in Thamar province.