DAWN, June 2024 

Arab Center in DC, May 2024

Arab Center in DC, Feb 2024

Daraj Media, Feb 2024

DAWN, January 2024

Arab Center in DC, December 2023

Arab Center in DC, September 2023

Daraj Media, August 2023 

Sana'a Center, June 2023 

Daraj Media, June 2023 

Arab Center in DC, May 2023

Arab Center in DC, March 2023

Arab Center in DC, February 2023

Daraj Media, January 2023 

Daraj Media, January 2023

Al Jazeera English, December 2022 

Arab Center in DC, December 2022 

Daraj media, November 2022 

Arab Center in DC, October 2022

Yemen’s Prospects for Unity Are Uncertain after Many Years of War
Arab Center in DC, July 2022

Human Rights Watch, April 2022 

US Assistance to Saudi-Led Coalition Risks Complicity in War Crimes
Sana'a Center, April 2022

Human Rights Watch, February 2022 

Expo 2020 Dubai: How would an honest Yemen pavilion look?
Middle East Eye, Oct 2021

Yemen: Key Human Rights Concerns for UN Envoy
Human Rights Watch, Sep 2021

Yemeni Workers at Risk of Mass Forced Returns
Human Rights Watch, August 2021 

Health Workers Abandoned in Yemen’s Covid-19 Fight
Human Rights Watch, July 2021 

Houthis Risk Civilians’ Health in Covid-19
Human Rights Watch, June 2021 

Human Rights Watch, March 2021

Human Rights Watch, December 2020 

Al Jazeera English, December 2020 

Human Rights Watch, November 2020 

Istituto Affari Internazionali, Oct 2020

Yemen Keeps Religious Minority Members Locked Up
Human Rights Watch, May 2020 

Yemen: Displaced at Heightened Covid-19 Risk
Human Rights Watch, May 2020

Covid19 in Yemen - A Perfect Storm
Human Rights Watch, April 2020

Yemen: Saudi Forces Torture, ‘Disappear’ Yemenis
Human Rights Watch, Mar 2020

Human Rights Watch, January 2020 

Human Rights Watch, Dec 2019 

Human Rights Watch, Dec 2019

Southern Yemeni women enter storm of politics, war
Al Monitor, Aug 2019

Yemenis in America fight devastating travel ban
The National, June 2019

Yemen: A tragic battleground will get bloodier amid US-Iran tensions
TRT World, May 2019

Yemeni women: making the most of the space available
Goethe Institute, April 2019

The Weak Suffer What They Must
Middle East Research and Information Project, Feb 2019

Yemen: Women, War & Political Marginalization
Atlantic Council, Jan 2019

Daraj.com, Jan 2019
Atlantic Council, Dec 2018
TruthDig.com, Dec 2018
Al Jazeera English, Dec 2018
TRT World - Dec 2018

In the Ice
The Dissident Blog, Sept 2018

Omvärlden, November 2018
Atlantic Council, Oct 2018
Daraj, Sept 2018
Mada Masr, Aug 2018
Jeem.com, Aug 2018
The Atlantic Council, Jul 2018
The New Arab, Jul 2018
Daraj, Jul 2018
Jeem.com, Jun 2018
Daraj, Jun 2018
Daraj, May 2018
Raseef22, May 2018
The Atlantic Council, May 2018
Daraj, Apr 2018
The Atlantic Council, Feb 2018

Is Sweden complicit in war crimes in Yemen?
OpenDemocracy, Feb 2018
Internazionale, Italy, Jan 2018
The New Arab, Jan 2018
Open Democracy, Jan 2018
 The Atlantic Council, Jan 2018
The New Arab, Dec 2017
Middle East Eye, Dec 2017
Middle East Eye, Sept 2017
Middle East Eye, Aug 2017
HuffPost, Aug 2017

Al Jazeera English, July 2017
Middle East Eye, May 2017

The Yemen War, Media and Propaganda
The Atlantic Council, May 2017
New Arab - Mar 2017
New Arab, Nov 2016
New Arab, Nov 2016
The Huffington Post, Nov 2016
Al Jazeera English, Oct 2016
Raseef22, October 2016
Vienna Institute for International Dialogue and Cooperation, Sept 2016
New Arab, May 2016

Instabilitet i Jemen hotar Europas säkerhet
Utrikesmagasinet.se, May 2016

New Arab, Mar 2016

Yemen war one year on: are peace talks doomed to fail?
Middle East Eye, Mar 2016
Swedish Pen, Mar 2016
Middle East Eye, Feb 2016
Middle East Eye, Nov 2015
'Everyday Racism' Anthology Book, Oct 2015
Al Jazeera English, Aug 2015
Feministiskt Perspektiv, May 2015
Free Arabs, May 2015
Trials of Spring, Mar 2015
Your Middle East, Dec 2014
Al-Arabi Magazine, Oct 2014

Being a Yemeni
Yemen's Althawra Newspaper, Sept 2014

On Arab Feminist blogs
Feministiskt Perspektiv, Aug 2014

Being a Yemeni
The Yemen Times, Aug 2014

What happened to "the Arab Spring"?  with Lina Ben Mhenni
Dissident Blog, Jul 2014

Yemen, Sweden & Feminism
Feministiskt Perspektiv (in Swedish), Jul 2014

The Power of Words
Girl Gone International, Jul 2014

Yemen's Quota
Feministiskt Perspektiv (in Swedish), Jun 2014

Politics and the Evolution of Takfeer in Yemen
The Atlantic Post - Oct. 2013

Satire: Yemen's Ministry of Corruption 
The Yemen Times, Jun 2013

Change Square is Empty but Change is Still Needed
The National, May 2013

Yemen Youth Take Action
Free Arabs - April, 2013

Who Dares to Speak in Yemen?
The Dissident Blog, Jul 2011

Yemeni Women Find Their Voice
Institute for War & Peace Reporting, Mar 2011

Dreams for their Daughters
Yemen Observer & the White Ribbon Alliance, Mar. 2011

The Role of Health Workers in Preventing Child Mortality
World Health Organization, Jan 2011

British Council Blog - Oct 2010