Sunday, May 1, 2011

ظهوري على قناة العربية - I was featured on al-Arabyia TV

I was featured on al-Arabyia TV channel about blogging in Yemen, yesterday. Al-Arabyia TV is one of the very famous news channel in the Arab countries and I was really honored to be featured there.

I must confess that I was amazed by all the positive reactions I received right after broadcasting the report. Many thanks to my mother, who has been always supportive and many thanks to all my friends in Yemen and around the world. I hope I never let you all down.

ظهرت البارحة على محطة العربية الاخبارية - من اهم المحطات الاخبارية في الوطن العربي. كان ذلك شرف كبير بالنسبة لي.

لابد ان اكون صريحة و اعبر عن مدى سعادتي لردود الافعال الايجابية التي تلقيتها بعد بث التقرير . الف شكر لامي التي لطالما دعمتني ، و الف شكر لكل الاصدقاء في اليمن و الخارج. ادعو الله ان لا اخذلكم ابدا.