Though, what I can say about the program is that so far it has been an empowering course for journalists/activists/bloggers and individuals working at civil society organizations (CSO). For me, it was an eye-opening knowledge I received through out the first week. That knowledge is that I truly could be a walking TV channel, Radio station and a website.
Moreover, I developed a sense of respecting media and media people more than ever. As a media face of my country; Yemen, I know better what a powerful tool I have to let my people's and my voices to the whole world. Media is increasingly becoming an influential tool in forming futures negatively or positively; it depends on how to use it.

So far, the course made me realize that knowledge is supposed to empower people and should be in their side not in powers' side. The fellowship, Copenhagen, the whole experience are enlightening for me. I really can't wait to get back to Yemen and implement what I know I'm capable of.
The fellowship will take place for the coming 3 weeks and participants from several countries are my class-mates which is truly an enriching experience for all of us to get to know about each others cultures and countries.